
Tuesday 28 February 2012

the lost Little Red Ridding Hood

This is something I have done some time ago and it have been published on my facebook fan page but had no time to share this on my blog as well. Probably something that will give you a hint which direction my new work is going to go.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Wellcome Collection - inspire a votive

If you haven't see the Miracles and Charms exhibition is the last chance to see the exhibition as it closes on Sunday so hurry up.  Above few of my recent work telling amazing stories about the miracles that happened to some really interesting people more on Wellcome Collection blog 

Tuesday 14 February 2012


The first few days of February I've spend in Wroclaw doing my research for my new work and the final project at uni. It wasn't easy and dominated my trip but I came with lots of good material for my new work so soon I will be back to the printing room