
Wednesday 31 August 2011

Thread and lines

Hello everyone! 

For the last week I have been posting a lot of materials I found for my research paper I thought it will be a lot easier to start a new blog as there is so many interesting artists working with threads and fabrics that I would like to share some information about them with you on my new blog Thread and lines. Mimi illustration  will still have some information about books and some interesting exhibitions and artists and of course  my work and what I'm up to in spare time so please visit them both I hope you will enjoy it. 

Image 35: Best of British Illustration 2011

Few pictures from the Image 35 exhibition in Bankside Gallery. I have to admit that I was going with hope to see really amazing cutting edge new illustration work and I have to admit there was a little bit of nice and interesting work but mostly it was what you can see in any good magazine or nice book. Maybe I just move more towards fine art or I'm just stuck somewhere in between commertial and more fine art work......

Lisa Solomon

Lisa Solomon is a US based artist creating mixed media works revolve thematically around domesticity and craft.

Friday 26 August 2011

Jenny Hart

Jenny Hart Austin based artist working in embroidery and a founder of Sublime Stitching a design company started to make hand embroidery once again popular.

Richard Saja

Richard Saja started few years ago a concept of using popular toile and embroidery to create those amazing pieces.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Evelin Kasikov

Evelin Kasikov London based graphic designer who created and developed CMYK embroidery technique during her studies at Central Saint Martins use typography and grid systems to challenge preconceptions about embroidery. Her work shows perfectly the use of traditional craft technique in completely new modern way. More about Evelin here

Alli Coate

Alli Coate is as US illustrator who is mixing different techniques and media to create very homely filling. She use different fabrics but also embroidery to create this fill. You can view her work here and here

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Kate Jenkins

As I'm doing my research I'm finding lots of really interesting work made with fabrics and threads. I've decided to publish all my interesting finding on this blog as this will also help me to categorise my research and make it easy to use in the very boring process of writing.

I love very funny crochet work by Kate Jenkins, represented by Agency Rush Illustration. From the 1st of September she's taking over Rebecca Hossack gallery to do Kate's crochet market more information about the exhibition here

Monday 22 August 2011


I had great weekend and finally found some time to see Trace Emin exhibition in Hayward Gallery and have some time for nice shopping. One of my new findings is a book Urban knits which is nice collection of playful ideas of using knitting and crocheting. It's seems that fabrics and threads are recently my object of interest but I guess it's because it's my Ma paper subject as well.

Friday 19 August 2011


Only few ours of work and the weekend. So far in plans visiting Tate Britain and Hayward Gallery.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Perfect afternoon

I'm really enjoying crocheting and drawing just moved to the second plan for the moment. This afternoon I got myself treat a blueberry cheesecake from Peyton and Byrne where I have to admit the selection of cakes is amazing. And after sugar bust I am back not to drawing but crocheting.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

I love Apple Mint crochet books

As I got really in to crocheting and I am looking on different books and textile artists. I found those amazing crochet books form Japan they are cute and have great ideas and patterns to work form it looks that they are mostly in Japanese however I'm still tempted to get one of them and try it out. I'm just afraid they might be addictive. They are published by amazing Apple Mint publishing and so far I found they available here and here.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Back to creativity

After few weeks of doubts and lots of thinking, eating massive amount of unhealthy food.I think I'm finally back on track with creativity and inspiration as well as subject of my research essay. I am also back to making some delicious and healthy food so no more pizza and chips and as a challenge to boost my creativity I've started to learn crocheting which is going not as bad as I thought but still need to focus more on counting chains. I'm so happy to have my powers, inspiration and creativity back so I'm looking forward new and exiting plans.