
Saturday 30 April 2011

shapes 2

I really enjoy recently experimenting with different shapes, so much fun

Thursday 28 April 2011

Wednesday 27 April 2011


just playing around with some ideas on sunny day

Tuesday 26 April 2011


My reading list is recently getting longer and longer and I think I'll need some holidays to get around all those books I have to read. One of my recent picks is is Alphabet by Roland Topor which is French artists with Polish roots. His work is very surrealistic and contains very specific type of humour. His is not very well known in England however it is some one to look at for sure.

Monday 25 April 2011

Visiting Saatchi gallery

It's the last chance now to see Newspeak part 2 and Confessions of dangerous minds - contemporary art from Turkey at Saatchi Gallery. I have to admit that Saatchi is my favorite gallery in London and the first part of Newspeak was a bit disappointing however this one was much better and definitely worth to go.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Easter reads

I'm so happy as the Easters started with a nice weather and finally I have some time to catch up with reading so on my reading list I have
Frankie magazine which is now also available in UK
Flamingo new UK art magazine
Illustration Play 2 by Victionary

Friday 22 April 2011

London Book Fair

This year was a first time I was attending London Book Fair it was a good opportunity to see books from other countries and find some really interesting books and illustrators. However I was little bit disappointed with the whole fair as most of the books in children's section were looking exactly the same with very bright colors and cartoony drawings apart new talent in children's book illustration it looks like other countries had much more better selection for kinds then Britain. Unfortunately battery in my camera died quite quickly and I wasn't able to take to much photos but here are some of my picks from this year.

Published in Romenia very interesting and unusual version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland illustrated by Violeta Zabulica - Diordiev and published by Cartier. One of the illustration in the book has and image of Einstein so if you are Alice lover this is the book you should have in your collection.


My next discovery is Slovakian illustrator Martina Matlovicova and her book And then it happend about kids who don't care about cleaning, higiene and all other things and something unexpected happends to them. More illustration by Martina here
I'm not sure how to describe this book as I could really get a proper translation but I think I'm sure is that this book is about love. I'm also not sure if illustration are also targeted to kids or rather/only adults as there is lots of nudity in the book however at the same time is quite cute and funny. The book was published in Finland and illustrated by Tiina Pystynen you can find more of her work here

Friday 15 April 2011


I was attending monopritns workshop recently and I really enjoy experimenting with new technique and thats something I want to look on more, so much fun !!!

Sunday 10 April 2011


I saw picture of this dog and I knew I need to do something with it.

Saturday 9 April 2011

Sunny saturday

Finally a day when I could have some relaxed morning without rushing anywhere and some time for tea and magazine reading. This week I put my hands on Stella, Oh comely, Objekt and new polish magazine Remake magazine. It's the first time I have red them apart from Objekt and I'm really inspired by the illustrations, photos and all really good articles so it's time to do some drawing...

Oh and I bought big bunch of tulips on my local market and I just love them !!!

Friday 8 April 2011

Work/life 2

Yesterday in Calgary there was a launch of the book and very nice party with lots of artists and cupcakes. Unfortunately I'm on the other continent and wasn't able to be there but here are pages with my drawings, I'm so happy to finally have this book in my hands. Some more information about book here

Sunday 3 April 2011

Le Gun and Bare Bones launch and exhibition

After nearly three years break new issue of Le Gun just arrive there was a party and exhibition in Red Gallery. The best part of the whole event was a little set up of a room which was completely created by Le Gun. If you are in London that's something definitely to see, as it's open daily till 18th of April.

Friday 1 April 2011

The story about Chopin New Romantic

I'm not always up to date with the news. So I'm writing with a delay about it however I think it's quite interesting matter. The hassle is about comics book Chopin New Romantic order by Polish government to promote Polish culture and was meant to be given to students and pupils in German schools. The book is a collection of comics about Chopin illustrated by different artists and published by Kultura Gniewu. The publisher describe this publication as unusual and provocative. Each artist had they own way of presenting Chopin and it looks one of them create a story that no one was prepare for.Krzysztof Ostrowski create comics about Chopin going to jail to play a concert were the story ends up with fight and contains lots of swearing and shows very brutal reality of life in jail. This story started the talk about this publication and the message it's sending to young people. After all even it's been printed, it's been stop from going into readers hands. Some people even stared a facebook group to save this publication and it seems there where some results of it as the government made decision to published Chopin New Romantic however with few changes firstly the information about government input in this publication will be removed and the target audience change. I'm happy that the publication will get into readers hands however the behavior of Polish government leave me speechless as usual.....

I mange to find some illustration from this book online the first two are made by Patryk Mogilnicki and the last one by Agata 'Endo' Nowicka.