
Friday 28 January 2011

Spring books from Gestalten

Gestalten is my favorite publisher and I love their books every Autumn and spring I'm awaiting for their new titles and this year is no different. I already fell in love with Doppelganger book and discover three more titles I really like. First is the Cutting Edges book about contemporary collage, showing unique examples of use of collage technique in today's art. Next Ruby, otherworldliness shows upcoming visual artists who are connected by the theme of otherworldliness. As I was always fascinated by working with paper the Papercraft 2 is something I can't wait to put my hands on. This book explore usage of paper in contemporary art from paper cutting to 3d installations.

Sunday 23 January 2011

fancy coloring

The beginning of this year is not very good for me January is nearly ending and I'm still trying to get better. I have really problem with getting into work, however spring is coming and things can get only better. I recently found two really cool coloring books one is with projects of YSL second is created by Hermes now the big question is which fashion house will be publishing their coloring book next?

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Ceramics at Anthropologie

I'm really inspired by beautiful ceramics at Anthropologie, it's nice to see something that make your home more special and unique. Some of them are hand made which makes them even more special. I'm at the point where I consider to incorporate my drawing to ceramic objects and seeing those really make me want to do something about it the question is where to start.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Doppelganger - the book I'm really looking forward

Gestalten is one of my favorite book publisher and this month their new book is coming out Doppelganger - Images of human being. This book is divided in seven chapters each discovering different theme from deforming to reshaping. It shows new way of looking on what is consider to be beautiful and fashionable.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Vintage Vogue covers

Recently I'm really into old fashion illustration and I just fell in love with those Vogue covers it would be interesting to see modern Vogue with illustration on the cover as it use to be in the past.

Sunday 9 January 2011

Sunday morning

I love Sundays mornings when you don't have to go anywhere and can just drink your tea, relax and flick through books that just arrive yesterday. This year I've started with being ill but also I had some extra time to catch up with my drawing. So today I draw this one, very glamour version of a witch who is kidnapping naughty kids.

Friday 7 January 2011

Last chance

Only for two days longer you can visit exhibition showing Rene Gruau illustration for Dior the exhibition is in Sumerset House in London. I saw it at the end of December and have to admit it's really good to see the original illustration from the time there was no use of computers.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Everyone! I had quite long break in my blogging and was busy with writing proposal for my MA project and dealing with flu. Now I'm slowly recovering and this is my first post in 2011. My new years resolution is to draw more.

I also forgot to tell you about my last month interview for Maicen at Culture?. This is a blog worth to visit with very interesting interviews from lots of different artists and illustrators. I found there lots of inspirational drawings and artists to look on.