
Sunday 31 October 2010

Halloween treat

Lily Vanilli is a great baker and cake designer. She is know for designing marzipan insects for Alexander McQueen film project and her recent book (images above) with some great recipes 'A zombie ate my cupcake'. More about Lily here and here.

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Becoming little foodie

I'm having impression that soft toys are becoming very popular and I found this one which are great start to play with food and have little tea and cup cake party or a nice traditional breakfast. All available at Ikea

Sunday 24 October 2010


I'm following Bartek Arobal drawings for quite long and during that time I really saw how he's growing as an artists and illustrator. I love his drawings, they way how he's playing with mark making and uses colors. You can see more of his work here and here

Saturday 23 October 2010

Christmas at Muji

What I really like in period before Christmas is the fact that you can get so many little nice things which usually are not available on any other time of the year. I've been today in Muji and discover all those nice things now I need to think what should be gift for my friends and what a treat for myself.

From top left: Balancing Penguins Game, Human Puzzle, Tree Magnetic Paper
Clip Holder, Sawdust clay - make your own pencil set

From top left: Funny face sticker book, Blackboard house (it's a box too),
Rabbit Noughts and Cross

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Drinking tea

It's getting really cold outside so a morning cup of nice blooming
tea is a really good way of starting day.
Tea bags available from Pedlars
Fun tee packaging by Soon Mo Kang

Tea submarine by Ototo

Friday 15 October 2010

Agata Dudek

I have to admit that for a long time I thought that children books in Poland are really not fun and few months ago thanks to very nice small bookshop with amazing girl who now everything about them I discovered whole range of great books which I have impression are always hidden in the bigger stores. Agata Dudek is one of my favourite illustrator above few illustrations from her upcoming book Zozo i Lulu and titles which are already available Scary Monsters (Straszne Strachy, published by Endo) and Crows and snake (Wrony i waz, published by Dwie Siostry).

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Diaghilev and the Golden Age of the Ballets Russes at V & A

This exhibition is definatly worth going. There is so many wonderful drawings, costumes and elements of scenography on display and of course there is a massive work of Picasso to see as well :)

Sunday 10 October 2010

Michal Batory

Michal Batory is a polish poster designer living in France. He is very famous for his work and is been showcase in many book publications. The fact I love about his work is simplicity and idea of giving new meaning to different items or making things out of them. His work is very powerful and emotional.

Sunday 3 October 2010

Marta Ignerska

I am a big fan of Marta Ignerska, few months ago I bought her book titled 'Babcia robi na drutach' and now her next book just came about it's a Fryderyk Chopin i jego muzyka (Fryderyk Chopin and his music) some of the illustrations from the book are available on her website and I have to say I really want to have this book or rather I have to have this book.


One of nice things I found on the book fair is the Fukt, magazine for drawing. It's really cool publication with lots of good work in it. It might remind a bit of Le gun. It is annual publication and the editor is Bjorn Hegardt.